

7 ways to protect yourself legally when preparing engagement letters

Limit your legal liability through your engagement letter, says professional liability lawyer James Lane

Canada's MNP LLP growing again through merger with London-based accounting firm

Merger continues major changes in Canadian accounting public practice

Deloitte liable for Livent audit in pivotal Supreme Court decision

UPDATED: Supreme Court decision sets legal framework for establishing audit liability, virtual guarantor

Auditors Beware: How Lavender v Miller Bernstein increased audit liability

Investors can rely on a report without ever seeing it, says professional liability lawyer James Lane

Canadian angle to record revenues reported by KPMG International

Accounting firm now headed by Canadian Bill Thomas, praised for diversity promotion

Clutter to Clarity: Template financial statement tools are missing the mark

Bridget Noonan of Clearline Consulting takes a hard look at the templates used by Canadian accounting practitioners

Global firm RSM shakes up Canadian accounting, buys Collins Barrow Toronto

Global accounting firm RSM has shaken up the mid-tier market in Canadian accounting

Audit regulator reports fewer inspection findings for Big Four in 2017

Auditors must watch for pervasive risk of management bias

Practice Demographics: Recruiting the next accounting generation

What is the accounting profession and its public practice firms doing to address its demographic crisis?

Canadian Accounting Demographics: Who will succeed today’s CPA practitioners?

Is the accounting profession doing enough to bring CPAs into public practice?

Demographic crisis in Canadian accounting: Is practice still attractive?

As older CPAs look to transition their accounting firms, they're finding the profession has lost its appeal

Is there a demographic crisis looming in Canadian accounting?

The first of a three-part series on the greying of Canadian accountants in public practice