CPA Program


CPA PEP accounting students: Study tips for revenue recognition under ASPE

CPA program coach and mentor Gevorg Grigoryan, CPA, on the most commonly tested Financial Reporting topic on CPA PEP exams

Aspiring CPA accounting students nervously await results of the May 2022 CFE

Results of the Common Final Examination available at 10 a.m. EDT today

Planning for PER (Part Two): How to write the CPA Canada practical experience requirements report

CPA program coach Gevorg Grigoryan, CPA provides PER tips and writing examples

Planning for PER: Writing the CPA practical experience requirements reports (Part 1)

CPA program coach Gevorg Grigoryan, CPA on why it's important to plan ahead

The CFE Report: Do’s and don’ts for passing the CPA accounting exam

CPA Program coach Gevorg Grigoryan, CPA on the Board of Examiners Report

Congratulations! 5,912 future accountants pass the September 2021 CFE

Gold Medal Award winner employee of Quebec’s Office of the Auditor General

8 successful study tips from the CPA CFE May 2021 Gold Medalist

Aspiring accountant Kamille Español of Calgary, Alberta shares her strategy

September 2021 CPA CFE successful in continued hotel room exam setting

Greater emphasis on data analytics and information services, reports CPA program coach and mentor Gevorg Grigoryan, CPA

More data analysis training needed for CPA PEP accounting students

CM2.0 DAIS changes to the Competency Map are welcome but students in CPA PEP need help now, says CPA program coach and mentor Gevorg Grigoryan, CPA

Congratulations! 722 aspiring Canadian accountants pass the May 2021 CFE

CPA Common Final Examination cancelled in Ontario, Quebec due to COVID-19