

Here's what the carbon tax means for you

UBC Professor Kathryn Harrison explains Canada’s new carbon tax

Audit deficiencies double in 2018 says CPAB report

Findings prevalent in acquisitions, cannabis, cryptocurrency audits

Canadian accountants supporting NDP in record numbers

New online poll says momentum building among professionals

Which mid-sized accounting firm gained the most clients in 2018?

Our annual report of 2018 SEDAR filing data crunched by Audit Analytics

How government deficits fund private savings

A look at Liberal deficit spending through Modern Monetary Theory

It’s tax time! Do you know the difference between avoiding and evading taxes?

We need to understand tax minimization, says Professor Sonia B. Dhaliwal

Former Auditor General Sheila Fraser appointed to CPAB

Original activist auditor general joins national audit regulator

Paradise Papers, new VDP not government's panacea in 2019

Was it worth changing the VDP program for 100 Paradise Papers audits?

Canadian accountants disappointed with Liberal pre-election budget

Tax reform, balanced budget off the table for foreseeable future

Exclusive Report: Big Four audit client gains, losses in Canada

Our annual report of 2018 SEDAR filing data crunched by Audit Analytics
Al Rosen

Overwhelming evidence of IFRS failure

IFRS has led to Canadian financial manipulation, says columnist Al Rosen

What do Canadian accountants want from the federal budget?

Firms looking for fiscal responsibility, tax simplicity, competitiveness

Accountants: Guardians of trust in the Age of AI

Our ethical foundation will secure our place in the future

Canadian accountants call for tax system overhaul

CPA Canada says support overwhelming for ambitious review

Southwestern Ontario accounting firms merge to form Baker Tilly Trillium

Baker Tilly Canada network continues to expand nationally
David J. Rotfleisch

What the media missed in the Auditor General’s CRA report

Canada Revenue Agency does not accurately measure its performance

CRA kicks off 2019 tax filing season

It's bread and butter season for CPA sole practitioners, SME accounting firms

Filling in the GAAPs

Implications of the CSA’s proposed non-GAAP disclosure rules, from the ICD Director Journal

Is Big Tech a threat to Big Four Audit?

A new report from Source Global Research looks at challenger brands to the Big Four

Four themes for the future of Canadian accounting

CPA Canada’s Foresight: Reimagining the Profession, part two

Canadian tax advisory market lags behind global growth

Global growth driven by complex cross-border tax changes, risk and automated managed services

Michael Ferguson, FCPA, FCA, Canada’s Auditor General, Dies at 60

Obituary: Accountant persevered through opposition to earn plaudits as AG

Canada leads world in digital transformation market growth

Deloitte knocked off top spot in global market, says Source Global Research

Uber case signals gig economy is next frontier for CRA

First Uber, next AirBnB suggests TaxChambers LLP

What is the brand value of the Big Four accounting firms?

Global commercial services brands rank in the top 100 of global brands