
Thought Leaders

Fossil fuel subsidies cost Canadians a lot more money than the carbon tax

Subsidies cost Canadian taxpayers roughly $214 per taxpayer every year — and unlike the federal carbon tax, Canadians don’t get a rebate on this tax

Two of the Big Four accounting firms failed their audit inspections in 2023 — but we don’t know who

The Canadian Public Accountability Board says it will take at least two years before more transparency is provided as to which firms fail and which succeed

Sunday News Roundup 24.03.31 Bare trusts laid bare and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

Airbnb sale subject to GST/HST

Amit Ummat and Alisha Butani of Ummat Tax Law provide an overview of the Tax Court of Canada’s ruling in 1351231 Ontario Inc v. The King, 2024 TCC 37
Thought Leaders

PwC Australia ethics breach: Differences in Canadian and Australian CPA regulation

Though similiar, there are important differences between Australian and Canadian professional rules of conduct explains accounting professor George Gonzalez

CPA Ontario fines Deloitte Canada partners over backdating of audit working papers

Five Deloitte partners to pay $40k each in fines and costs for manually overriding computer clocks to backdate audit working papers in multiple engagements
Thought Leaders

Ethnic diversity is still a serious issue at the top level in accounting firms

Research suggests women and minorities are under-represented at senior positions in Canadian accounting firms despite measures to improve diversity
Partner Posts

Driving growth and client success: The power of client advisory services in accounting

Client Advisory Services represent a paradigm shift in public accounting, explains Karen Chalmers of interVal, which automates the discovery process using AI

How international athletes are taxed in Canada: Toronto Maple Leafs' captain John Tavares embroiled in tax litigation with CRA

Tavares is a high-profile opportunity for the CRA to test the limits to the structuring of athlete salaries explains Canadian accountant and tax lawyer David J Rotfleisch
Thought Leaders

Taxes aren’t just about money — they shape how we think about each other

Research shows taxpayers perceive paying income tax, but not regressive sales taxes, as contributing as a citizen for the purpose of the common good

Case Commentary: Cassidy v Canada — using extraordinary circumstances, CRA's delays, inability to pay, or financial hardship

Why the Federal Court, in Cassidy v Canada, ruled that a CRA officer's decision was unreasonable, and the taxpayer received relief over unpaid taxes

What to do when the CRA refuses taxpayer relief

Tax accountant and lawyer David J Rotfleisch explains how a corporate director won relief from the CRA over payroll remittance in Maverick v HMK, 2023

Sunday News Roundup 24.03.03 Mulroney legacy, PwC sole source, RPA rising, and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

PCAOB finds fault with half of Ernst and Young Canada audits inspected

US audit watchdog inspection report details audits with multiple deficiencies and potential non-compliance with independence rules over financial relationships

Sunday News Roundup 24.02.25: Manning Elliott, Aphria ruling, sustainability standards and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

CPA Canada reduces operating budget with staff cuts due to accounting profession standoff

National organization has run two deficits in the past five years, says changes needed to ensure long-term success in challenging operating environment

Sunday News Roundup 24.02.18: Fairfax’s financials, new trust rules and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

The General Anti-Avoidance Rule may be expanding: What you need to know

Aron Grusko and Nick Noonan of Fillmore Riley LLP say recent legislative changes and Supreme Court decisions reflect an increasingly expansive view of GAAR

Case Commentary: Csak v The King 2024 TCC – transfers of property while owing taxes to the CRA

David J Rotfleisch explains why the Tax Court of Canada found the Canada Revenue Agency's 1988 and 1989 reassessments statue-barred

Mystery solved: How foreign accounting firms won big in new audit client gains and losses

Among the many curiosities of the 2022 new audit client gains and losses data were the prevalence of foreign firms and the dearth of cannabis companies

Taxpayer sidesteps gross-negligence penalties and $90,000 in taxable income because tax year was statute-barred

As David J Rotfleisch explains, the decision by the Tax Court of Canada in Abbass V The King centred on a bookkeeping error by the taxpayer's accountant

The top Canadian accounting stories of 2023

From greedflation to a CPA standoff, it was a year when regulators got tough with auditors and the Supreme Court of Canada issued an earth-shattering tax decision

Director held personally liable for unremitted and uncollected GST/HST — due diligence defence judged insufficient

Case commentary from Canadian tax accountant and lawyer David J Rotfleisch on the Tax Court of Canada decision in Hall v The King

Case Commentary: CRA violates procedural fairness for CERB/CRB claims

Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David J Rotfleisch examines the Federal Court decision in Cameron v. Canada (Attorney General) in favour of the taxpayer

Ontario Court holds that a recent former auditor cannot act as CCAA Monitor in the absence of extenuating circumstances

David Bish and Mike Noel of Torys LLP on circumstances that would cause a court to exercise its discretion to appoint a former auditor as Monitor