

Canada losing multi-millions in e-commerce taxation

Auditor General targets foreign online retail companies

Deans Knight Wins Precedent-Setting "Recap And Restart" Case

Heather DiGregorio of BD&P explains a de jure control Tax Court case
Thought Leaders

Municipalities: A Taxing Problem

Canadian cities are in desperate need of new sources of revenue due to economic pressures beyond their control, causing property tax increases for taxpayers

$1.7M For CRA's "Malicious Prosecution" Set Aside On Appeal

Will the Samaroo malicious prosecution case go to the Supreme Court?

Why an Ontario tax credit for child care is a bad idea

Doug Ford's tax-rebate child care plan does not add up

Samaroo shocker: CRA wins tax case appeal

BC Appeals Court reverses malicious prosecution case cheered by accountants

Why Alberta would be foolish to abandon carbon policy

Alberta is a technology leader in reducing emissions, says energy economcs professor

Why agricultural groups fiercely oppose the carbon tax

The carbon tax is an indirect but incurred cost, says farm economics professor

Here's what the carbon tax means for you

UBC Professor Kathryn Harrison explains Canada’s new carbon tax

It’s tax time! Do you know the difference between avoiding and evading taxes?

We need to understand tax minimization, says Professor Sonia B. Dhaliwal

Paradise Papers, new VDP not government's panacea in 2019

Was it worth changing the VDP program for 100 Paradise Papers audits?

Canadian accountants disappointed with Liberal pre-election budget

Tax reform, balanced budget off the table for foreseeable future

What do Canadian accountants want from the federal budget?

Firms looking for fiscal responsibility, tax simplicity, competitiveness

Canadian accountants call for tax system overhaul

CPA Canada says support overwhelming for ambitious review
David J. Rotfleisch

What the media missed in the Auditor General’s CRA report

Canada Revenue Agency does not accurately measure its performance

CRA kicks off 2019 tax filing season

It's bread and butter season for CPA sole practitioners, SME accounting firms

Canadian tax advisory market lags behind global growth

Global growth driven by complex cross-border tax changes, risk and automated managed services

Uber case signals gig economy is next frontier for CRA

First Uber, next AirBnB suggests TaxChambers LLP
David J. Rotfleisch

Is the CRA’s public shaming an effective deterrent of tax evasion?

The CRA is sending a clear message that tax evasion does not pay, says David J. Rotfleisch

Lebouthillier makes bold additions to offshore tax evasion committee

Tax professors Alepin, Cockfield appointed to controversial group

Accountants missing from new CRA service advisory panel

Strategic digital experience a priority for new service initiative
David J. Rotfleisch

Auditor General slams CRA for unfair treatment of taxpayers

Michael Ferguson finds the CRA unable to measure its own activities

VDP was applied inconsistently to tax evaders, says Auditor General

Accountants and tax lawyers should take note of CRA acquiescence

Canada Revenue Agency guilty of double standard, says Auditor General's Report

Look for the CRA to further tighten its compliance and enforcement

Canada Revenue Agency lauds its war on tax evasion

CRA says global cooperation leading to more data sharing