
David J. Rotfleisch

Fighting the Canada Revenue Agency no longer like fighting city hall

The Ludmer decision represents a judicial thawing of CRA liability

U.S. tax ruling means winter is coming for online retailers

Tax rulings are catching up with the Amazons of retail

Are CRA auditors biased against wealthy Canadians?

Tax accountants, lawyers irate over CRA auditor survey on tax avoidance

Multiple taxpayers successfully sue the Canada Revenue Agency

Damages in negligence: Ludmer et al c. Attorney General Of Canada

Court ruling on charities could be financial windfall for tax accountants

OSC decision ruling opens door to unlimited political lobbying by HNW clients

CRA auditors say tax system benefits corporations, wealthy Canadians

Professional employees call for more training, technology to address inequities
David J. Rotfleisch

Voluntary Disclosures Program under continued attack from Canada Revenue Agency

VDP changes are headed to the courts, predicts tax lawyer David J. Rotfleisch

Special Report: Manafort trial a cautionary tale in accounting ethics

The testimony of Paul Manafort's tax accountant shows the ethical risks of working with some high net worth clients

Voluntary disclosures drop under new VDP unreported income rules

CRA statistics confirm predictions of tax accountants, lawyers

The reasonable minimum standard when challenging CRA tax audits

A look at the leading case and subsequent case law

Multinational accounting under increased scrutiny as BEPs reporting begins

Minister of National Revenue announces first OECD information exchange

New CRA tax gap stats shows underground economy dwarfs offshore avoidance

Publicity, better enforcement, have led to increased disclosure