

When an accountant’s client is paying too much property tax

The next step may be an appeal … or no step at all

When can the CRA advance an alternative argument?

Subsection 152(9) of the Income Tax Act tips litigation in favour of the Crown

A taxpayer's rights to interest from the Canada Revenue Agency

A case comment on Glatt v Canada (National Revenue)

Can the CRA force a taxpayer to provide any document during a GST/HST audit?

The legal threshold is very low, says lawyer Cyndee Todgham Cherniak
Bridget Noonan

Canadian accounting firms: Is it a buyers’ or sellers’ market?

Bridget Noonan on the 5 drivers that will determine the price of your practice

By going paperless, this accounting firm saved money, created value

How Andrew Wall transformed CPA4IT through digital scanners
Partner Posts

CaseWare launches cloud-based solution for Canadian accountants, auditors

First-of-its-kind software paves the way for accounting’s digital future

Double-Dipping In Canada: MNE forward subscription structure

Prohibited by law or simply poor tax etiquette?

The CRA's ability to compel confidential reports

EY Canada, Atlas Tube Canada and the CRA's power to compel disclosure

French accounting firm Mazars touts global alliance with Canada’s MNP

Mazars North American Alliance part of Praxity Alliance

Ontario accounting firm launches formal affiliation with legal practices

Baker Tilly Trillium, PMHS Law and Ingenuity Counsel to function jointly

Why accountants should question property tax assessments

Are your clients leaving money on the table?