

A Canadian tax lawyer's guide to the In-Trust-For (ITF) Account

Canadian tax accountant and lawyer David J. Rotfleisch discusses ITFs, including tax implications, issues and alternatives to these unregistered investment accounts

CPA Standoff: Accountants question the motives behind national accounting rift

The lack of consultation with the wider membership on its split from CPA Canada has led to accusations that the dispute is a power grab by CPA Ontario

Canadian taxpayer involved in a bad will investment scheme granted additional relief on accrued interest

Relief requests beyond the statute of limitation may still be available, depending on the circumstances, explains tax accountant and lawyer David J Rotfleisch

Court orders delivery of tax planning memo prepared by accountants to CRA

Laurie Goldbach and Steve Suarez of BLG on disclosure of tax planning documents and the Tax Court's treatment of accountant-client privilege

CPA Standoff: Unique regulatory status of CPA Quebec complicates accounting rift

Unlike the rest of Canada, the accounting profession in Quebec is not self-regulated, leading to legitimate issues between l'Ordre and CPA Canada

CPA Standoff: Financial transparency a key issue in national accounting rift

Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada rejects provincial claims of poor financial transparency and says it is open to doing more

Tax fraud and tax evasion in the same case: Analysis of Regina v Reynolds

A case before the BC Supreme Court included violations of the Income Tax Act and Excise Tax Act explains Canadian accountant and lawyer David J Rotfleisch

Deans Knight will have a serious impact on tax planning & tax disputes

The courts will increasingly gravitate toward the minority approach in the Deans Knight decision, assert the tax lawyers of Counter Tax Litigators

SR&ED Tax Credits upheld by Tax Court Of Canada in Canafric Inc. v. The King

Developing new recipes qualifies for Scientific Research and Experimental Development credits, explains David J Rotfleisch, when you make frozen pies

CPA Standoff: Ontario government sticks to sidelines in governance dispute

In the dispute between provincial and national accounting bodies, politicians say CPA Ontario's regulatory legislation is unaffected by key disagreements in the rift

CRA routinely disallows parking expense claims, even for life-threatening illnesses

It is not the Tax Court's job to provide equitable relief, David Rotflesich explains, as the Income Tax Act provides a bright-line test for medical expense tax credits

Are CRA publications clear and easy to understand? Can Canadian taxpayers trust their information?

Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David J Rotfleisch explains why taxpayers should not necessarily trust CRA publications such as folios, bulletins and circulars