CPAs teaching retirees about money during Senior Month in June

Not-for-profits can book free sessions through CPA Canada
Toronto, May 30, 2019 – Retirement should be a golden time, where people shake off the mantle of work and enjoy the fruits of their labour. To help make that happen, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) is marking Seniors Month (June) with financial literacy sessions in communities across the country.
CPA Canada’s award-winning financial literacy program draws upon the knowledge and expertise of more than 6,000 passionate CPA volunteers. The extensive program offers free and unbiased financial education sessions for a wide variety of participants, including seniors. In 2018, 2,300 sessions were delivered across the country, positively impacting the lives of more than 50,000 Canadians by empowering them to take steps to improve their financial wellness.
“The financial knowledge that individuals require changes as they move through the different stages of their lives,” explains Doretta Thompson, CPA Canada’s financial literacy leader. “Seniors face a range of situations that they might not have encountered before, including different income sources and the challenge of making their funds last as long as they do and perhaps striving to leave a legacy for their loved ones.”
CPA Canada sessions specifically designed for seniors include:
- Managing Your Finances in Retirement
- Fraud Protection for Seniors
- Estate Planning
These sessions provide excellent free programming for organizations serving seniors and other demographics, including youth, adults, new Canadians, entrepreneurs, people with lower incomes and more. It’s a chance for their clients to to learn about personal finances from a trusted source such as a Canadian CPA.
Not-for-profits ranging from seniors’ homes and community centres to schools and libraries are encouraged to book a session through CPA Canada’s website at:
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