VDP Consultation: Read David Rotfleisch's submission to National Revenue Minister

Consultation on changes to the Voluntary Disclosures Program has ended
The consultation process on proposed changes to the Canada Revenue Agency's Voluntary Disclosures Program came to an end on August 8. Canadian Accountant has extensively covered the polarizing debate surrounding the changes, beginning with our five-part series, "Crackdown," which launched on June 25.
Canadian Accountant tax law blogger David Rotfleisch also commented extensively on the changes, most notably in two columns, "VDP Changes: The Law of Unforseen Consequences," and "Breaking the VDP when it doesn’t need fixing." He also touched on the VDP in his popular post, "Black Money or 'Why I can’t find workers to build my cottage.'"
Now, David has graciously agreed to share the comment letter by Rotfleisch & Samulovitch Professional Corporation to Minister of National Revenue Diane Lebouthillier, which was submitted on August 8. As noted in its introduction, Rotfleisch & Samulovitch "has in fact been involved in VDP submissions for over 25 years and was an early promoter of the program to the public and as a result has submitted numerous VDP applications over the year."
Canadian Accountant readers can download the Rotfleisch & Samulovitch Professional Corporation comment letter by clicking on the link. Readers can also learn more by visiting the Rotfleisch & Samulovitch website at Taxpage.com.
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